Way of how to set Tensorflow Developement Environment
Set up Tensorflow Developement Environment
Cusolver64 Error!!
The versions used in this post are certain to be compatible.
If Cuda Tool Kit version is not compatible with your python tensorflow command
'pip install tensorflow installs tensorflow version 2.5.0(This is compatible with Cuda toolkit 11.2)' - 22-08-12
To avoid these Error Case : Check your Cuda Version with python tensorflow version or follow up this post
CUDA Toolkit 11.2 Downloads
Select Target Platform Click on the green buttons that describe your target platform. Only supported platforms will be shown. By downloading and using the software, you agree to fully comply with the terms and conditions of the CUDA EULA. Operating System
Python Release Python 3.9.0
The official home of the Python Programming Language
Anaconda | Anaconda Distribution
Anaconda's open-source Distribution is the easiest way to perform Python/R data science and machine learning on a single machine.
After install these tools, Start Anaconda (administrator)
1. python -m pip install --upgrade pip
2. conda create -n tensorflow python=3.9
3.activate tensorflow
4. pip install tensorflow
(tensorflow) > pip install tensorflow (22.08.12 this command will install tensorflow 2.5.0 which is compatible with cuda 11.2)
(tensorflow) > python
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> hello = tf.constant('Hello, TensorFlow!')
>>>sess = tf.Session()
>>> print(sess.run(hello))
Hello, TensorFlow!
>>> a = tf.constant(10)
>>> b = tf.constant(22)